Los más peques seguimos afianzando nuestras rutinas, saludos y despedidas (hello, Hi, Goodbye, Bye).
El “Agent” es el encargado de pasar lista: “Who´s missing? What´s the weather? What day? What month?.
Estamos aprendiendo la canción del ABC para ir preparando la fonética de las letras.
Vocabulary: Colors, numbers (1 al 12), animals and parts of the body. Todo lo que aprendemos siempre con canciones y juegos.
- Hello and bye (Three in a tree)
- Teddy´s train songs
- Head and shoulders
- if you are happy
- Look and listen
- Point with a ball
- Make a circle
- Stop
- The first who touches
En el mes de octubre los alumnos de 1º de primaria trabajamos: “Toys” (los juguetes), “Family” (la familia), “Body” (las partes del cuerpo) y “House” (partes de la casa y preposiciones).
- I´ve got a ….(car)
- I haven´t got….(scooter)
- Can I have the (ball), please?
- Do you have a brother? a sister?
- What´s his/her name?
- Who´s this family?
- It´s a big/small family?
- Do you have a…(lamp)?
- Where´s the table? It´s in the living room.
- Active Bingo Prepositions
- Teddy sleeps
- Simon says
- Pass the ball
- The first who touches…
- Face race
- Please game.
- Head and shoulders
- If you are happy
- Skeleton dance
- Family finger
- This is my house
- The five senses and the joints
- Living / non living things
- Healthy and unhealthy food
2nd Primary
Los alumnos de segundo empezamos tema nuevo: “furniture and prepositios” (muebles y preposiciones).
Have you got? Yes, I have / No, I haven´t
Where is the bed? It´s in the bedroom.
Hicimos una actividad “measuring”, meters and centimeters.
How tall are you? Nos medimos todos y escribimos los resultados en la pizarra. Dibujamos una silueta y fuimos midiendo las diferentes partes del cuerpo.
How long is it? (Measure the foot…)
How wide is it?
Preposition concourse.
The first who touches…
Healthy and unhealthy food
Circulatory and Respiratory System
Los alumnos de 3º y 4º de primaria empezamos el tema “My day” (Mi día).
What´s your favourite day?, describing your day…What do you do every day?
- Present simple
- numbers (cero-cien)
- Vocabulary: actions.
- Describing people: Has / He got (blond hair)?
- Vocabulary: adjectives.
- Verb to have
- What´s the time? The hours
5º y 6º Primary
Los más mayores hemos repasado: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple (verb to be), Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs), Present Perfect y Reported Speech.